Medhat Osman, M.D.
Interim chair and professor, Nuclear Medicine
E. Isin Akduman, M.D.
Associate program director and professor, Diagnostic Radiology Residency, General
Diagnostic and Body Imaging
Al Babusis, M.D.
Assistant professor
Barry S. Highbloom, M.D.
Assistant professor
Chief of Breast Imaging, Assistant professor
Stephen Huebner, M.D.
Assistant professor, Musculoskeletal Radiology
Peter Holtz, M.D.
Assistant professor
Jerome Kao, M.D.
Assistant professor, Interventional Radiology
Ali Malik, M.D.
Assistant professor
Shamseldeen Mahmoud, M.D.
Chief of Neuroradiology
Madi Mikhayel, M.D.
Assistant professor, General Diagnostic and Body Imaging
Razi Muzaffar, D.O.
Director of Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT; Program director, Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT
fellowship program; and assistant professor
Keith Pereira, M.D.
Assistant professor, Interventional Radiology
Radu Serban, M.D.
Assistant professor
Mehrdad Sehi, M.D.
Assistant professor, Neuroradiology
Afsheen Sherwani, M.D.
Assistant professor
Ramy Shoela, M.D.
Program director, Diagnostic Radiology Residency
Assistant professor
Cary G. Stolar, M.D.
Assistant professor, General Diagnostic and Body Imaging
Kirubahara Vaheesan, M.D.
Professor, Chief of Interventional Radiology
Adjunct Faculty
- Yihua Zhou, M.D., Ph.D.
Adjunct professor
Neuroradiology - Alejandro Mendez-Castillo, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Archana Abhyankar, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Matthew Hrastich, D.O.
Adjunct professor - Mohammed Siddiqui, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Rishi Mhapsekar, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Charles Garvin, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Robert Levitt, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Roy Auer, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Shahnaz Rahman, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Kristy Ratkowski, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Jared Koen, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Robert Seelig, M.D.
Adjunct professor - Yihua Zhou, M.D., Ph.D.
Adjunct professor