The residency training program in psychiatry at Saint Louis University clearly values and respects ‘didactic day.’ Didactics are held every Tuesday. You will be expected to attend your rotation in the morning (some exceptions apply post-call) and will be released by 11 a.m. to attend didactics for the remainder of the day. The noon hour is reserved for a resident meeting with the chiefs and the program director.
On certain weeks of the month, the hour will be split between resident meetings and Journal Club.
Process Group
Process group is a weekly confidential forum for residents to freely discuss their experiences, resolve interpersonal issues and share the highs and lows of their week. This highly valued part of residency is conducted in a group therapy format by a psychologist faculty member from outside the department. The residents in the program consider this to be one of the most beneficial experiences while navigating residency.
Process group occurs every Tuesday from 1-2 p.m.
Grand Rounds
Departmental Grand Rounds are held every Thursday from 12-1 p.m. in Schwitalla Hall or via Zoom. They vary between separate neurology and psychiatry grand rounds and a combined Grand Rounds format with speakers and topics of relevance to both parts of the department.
Attendance is required of residents unless they are on an off-service rotation.
These include a mix of invited preeminent speakers from the region or beyond and presentations by our own faculty and senior residents, as well as case presentations and morbidity and mortality conference.
Journal Club
The journal club exposes residents to primary research in the field of psychiatry, teaches critical appraisal skills and improves understanding of research methods.
Resident journal club is held during the noon hour on the third Tuesday of each month. Residents are assigned to present and choose an article from the literature. They will send the article for approval to the academic chief resident ahead of time. They then lead the resident group through a discussion of the article, including strengths and weaknesses of the paper, relevance to clinical practice and a learning issue pertaining to study design or statistics.