The following committees are mostly populated by the Faculty Affairs Committee. Specifics can be found in the Saint Louis University School of Medicine Bylaws.
The Admissions Committee has the responsibility to establish minimal requirements for the admission of candidates to the student body of the School of Medicine, to review the application and supportive evidence from each candidate, to select applicants for interview and then offer acceptance to candidates for admission who meet the requirements established by the committee and to help initiate special recruitment programs for the School of Medicine.
The Admissions Committee is an administrative committee primarily constituted of faculty. Members shall serve a term of five years and are eligible for reappointment. The members are appointed by the associate dean of admissions based on recommendations from the Faculty Affairs Committee and self-nominations. Prior to the final nomination to the committee, the dean of the School of Medicine and division/department chairs will be consulted to determine the eligibility of faculty to serve.
The associate dean of admissions and at least four faculty members of the committee (considered a quorum) shall hold committee meetings weekly during the recruiting season and upon request.
The Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee makes recommendations to the dean on matters of faculty appointment, promotion, and tenure for both full-time and part-time positions.
There are nine members including the chair. At least seven members must have attained the rank of associate or full professor with at least three tenured. The Faculty Affairs Committee appoints all members, including the chair. Membership should include approximately equal representation of the basic science and clinical departments (that is: six clinicians and three basic scientists).
The committee meets monthly.
The Continuing Medical Education (CME) Advisory Committee will advise the CME Office regarding policies and issues affecting the general operation of the overall continuing medical education program.
The dean, in addition to the members of the CME Advisory Committee, shall appoint the Chair of the CME Advisory Committee. Voting members include faculty members representative of the School of Medicine departments, divisions and programs actively conducting CME activities; these members are appointed by the Faculty Affairs Committee based on self- and peer-nominations.
The committee meets at least quarterly, from September to June, and upon call.
The Curriculum Committee shall have full and centralized responsibility and authority in the design, management, integration, evaluation, enhancement, and oversight of a coherent and coordinated curriculum.
The committee shall meet at least monthly. Other meetings may be called at the request of the chair or any two members of the committee.
The Graduate Medical Education Committee shall advise on and monitor the following: establishment of institutional policies for graduate medical education as detailed in Section II of the Institutional Requirements of the Essentials of Accredited Residencies in Graduate Medical Education; establish and maintain appropriate liaison with residency directors and with the administrators of other institutions participating in programs sponsored by the institution; conduct regular review of all residency training programs in relation to their compliance with institutional policies and the requirements of the relevant ACGME review committee; establish and implement policies and procedures for the selection, evaluation, promotion, and dismissal of residents; provide assurance of appropriate and equitable funding for resident positions, including benefits, support services, appropriate working conditions and duty hours of residents; conduct regular review of ethical, socioeconomic, medical/legal, and cost-containment issues that affect graduate medical education; establish and implement institutional policies and procedures for discipline and the adjudication of complaints and grievances relevant to the graduate medical programs.
The Graduate Medical Education Committee shall consist of at least 14 voting members selected from the faculty of the clinical departments as outlined in the School of Medicine policies and procedures. Members serve terms of either three, two or one year(s).
The committee meets monthly.
The Graduate Program Advisory Council (GPAC) will serve in an advisory capacity to the dean regarding the non-professional graduate programs in the School of Medicine. It will review and make recommendations for the development, improvement, and quality control of graduate studies in the School of Medicine.
The council consists of five voting members of the faculty appointed by the FAC, representing the departments of biochemistry and molecular biology, molecular microbiology and immunology, pathology, and pharmacology and physiology, as well as the Center for Anatomical Science and Education.
Meetings shall occur quarterly during the academic year.
The Professionalism Honor Board will represent the interests of the institution, the profession of medicine, and the students in reviewing student conduct that may fall below the accepted professional standards for the practice of medicine. The board is responsible for ensuring advancement towards meeting standards of the profession and when needed make recommendations regarding student course of study modification, professional remediation, and dismissal.
Voting members of the Professionalism Honor Board are appointed by the Nomination and Election Committee as outlined in the School of Medicine Bylaws of the Faculty.
There shall be nine voting members. Five faculty members, with a minimum of three clinical faculty, none of whom is a departmental chair.
The board will routinely meet monthly and on an ad hoc basis as deemed appropriate by the chair.
The Research Planning Committee shall provide general oversight and advice on a broad range of issues related to the development and support of research in the School of Medicine including review, formulation and recommendation of policies pertaining to research in the School of Medicine; the committee also reviews major equipment requisitions equal to or exceeding $15,000, unless the purchase has been peer-reviewed by an outside sponsor and is funded 100% by the outside sponsor; the committee participates in the school’s strategic planning process in the specific areas of research and graduate education (Ph.D. and M.D./Ph.D. programs); and the committee performs other tasks as assigned by the dean.
There shall be six voting members of the committee comprised of three full-time basic science and three full-time clinical faculty appointed by the FAC for three-year terms.
The committee meets monthly, from September through May, and at any other time deemed appropriate by the chair.
The Research Space Review Committee shall review the research productivity of all principal investigators within the School of Medicine annually and make recommendations to the dean of the School of Medicine to leave unchanged, increase, decrease, or restore assigned space based on criteria for evaluation of productivity and assignment of laboratory space as elaborated in the School of Medicine Policies and Procedures.
The committee shall consist of six faculty members (three faculty from the basic science departments and three faculty from the clinical departments) and a chair appointed by the Faculty Affairs Committee.
The committee meets once a year with additional meetings scheduled by the chair as necessary to complete reviews.
The Student Progress Committee shall assess the academic progress of all medical students to ensure advancement toward graduation and when needed make recommendations regarding student course of study modification, academic remediation, and dismissal. The committee will also act as an appeals body concerning student-reported grade challenges and other issues deemed appropriate by the associate dean of student affairs.
The committee shall consist of nine members of the faculty, none of whom is a departmental chair. Insofar as possible, membership on the committee should reflect an equal distribution between basic and clinical science faculty who have knowledge of the student body through active participation in instruction. Members shall be appointed to the committee by the FAC and shall serve for a term of three years and may be appointed for a second consecutive term.
The committee shall routinely meet monthly and at those times during the academic year most appropriate to review student academic process and to consider special circumstances of individual students.